+91 97896 75333, 97862 56333
Architecture buro


Bringing home the luxury, quality and responsibility.

Vakaman Kota is a leading real estate developer in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu with our interests and best works firmly anchored in creating and building homes for the luxury segment. With people from diverse expertise in real estate and constructions and experience of five unmatchable years, we go the extra mile to instil responsibility in real estate by developing sustainable luxury projects. Recognising our work in providing green homes, Indian Green Building Council has appreciated us with a Platinum rating.

Our Partners

Our Architect

Get in touch

+91 97896 75333
+91 97862 56333
[email protected]
[email protected]
@Nava India, Avinashi Road,
Next to Hindustan Hospital,
Coimbatore - 641028
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